Fade out music at end of level, before intermission
Small polish feature to fade out the level music before intermission, like Sonic 3.
Test cases, please break:
Single player -
Splitscreen: Co-op with playersforexit One
(one player needed to exit the level) -
Splitscreen: Co-op with playersforexit All
(all players needed to exit the level) -
Splitscreen: Race when all players finish (exits immediately, no fade) -
Splitscreen: Race when player finishes during the countdown (exits immediately, no fade) -
Splitscreen: Race when player does not reach the end (countdown music finishes, does not fade) -
Splitscreen: Ringslinger (does not fade at end of level; should we support this? I'm thinking no.) -
Netgame, for all the above -
Headless server ( render_mode
is none) -
Anything else?
Edited by mazmazz