Allow use of Retry with no lives if a continue is available
I noticed that when I don't have any lives left (well, technically 1 life) I couldn't use the Retry option on the pause menu, even if I have a continue. I feel like Retry should work any time dying wouldn't result in a true game over, because if I died then, I'd still be able to retry, so why shouldn't I be able to do so from the pause menu as well?
So I went ahead and implemented this functionality. In more exact terms, what I did was:
I changed the "Retry" option in the pause menu to no longer be grayed out when the player has only one life, unless the player is in a "No Save" game with no continues left, and
I added a check to the code that carries out the retry command, so it will properly handle if the player is out of lives. Specifically, in this situation, it will increment
and callG_UseContinue()
to go to the "Continue" screen.
Please let me know if I missed anything.