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SPR2_DKR<A TO K EXCLUDING F>: New SPR2s which allow character WADs to define unique kart explosion gibs

This merge request is pretty much a sequel to an earlier one now (with great thanks and appreciation) already merged into Kart Krew's master branch.

In that merge request, the kart husk that appears upon a racer's death became customizable as a part of a racer's skin graphic lumps with the new SPR2 lump DKRT.

In this merge request, pretty much the same thing has been implemented only it is now about a dozen new SPR2 lumps (SPR2_DKR<A TO K EXCLUDING F>) each to represent a customizable version of a different "gib" that spawns upon a kart's death explosion.

I don't have much else to say about this merge request that wasn't covered in the one linked earlier, so below are some demonstration GIFs and videos:



Edited by Spring Thing

Merge request reports
