Assorted item tweaks
Mine changes:
- Mines can be punted away by driving into them before they finish deploying
- Laying down Mines behind adds a long pause before deploy starts
- Forward Mine throws land much faster
- Mines no longer explode on a timer
SPB changes:
- SPB Rush item odds are longer affected by player count scaling
- A reticule is displayed on the minimap over SPB target
Thunder Shield changes:
- Thunder Shields can no longer be rolled while SPB is out.
- Thunder Shields can no longer be rolled if someone else is holding one.
- Grow can be cancelled early by holding down the item button. (Grow is weighted even harder toward the back than before to accommodate)
- Generic explosion spinout (everything except SPB) has been nerfed, now the same length as normal spinout.
- Certain items can't be rolled during the first 30 seconds of a match.
- Shrink is consistent 20 seconds for everyone affected, instead of varying depending on position.
- Hyudoro has a 5 second buffer every time its rolled before another can be given.
- New sound effect for lobbed item sniping (bananas, sinks).
- Some smoke effects are no longer translucent, to reduce lag.
Edited by Sal